
CNN Fires Kathy Griffin For Her 'Decapitated Trump' Photo

Papri Das, The Quint, MAY 31, 2017

● 原來事事反川普的CNN居然把汙辱川普的主持人革職了!

● 幕後的原因可能是正統猶太人的川普女婿庫什那通過猶太勢力的管道施展影響力。

林中斌 2017.6.2

●  Jared Kushner after being elevated to Trump's most trusted advisor can now tap into the invisible, discreet and powerful Jewish connections behind him to tame the once hostile media toward Trump.

Chong-Pin Lin June 1, 2017


When does free speech become a threat? This is the question that social media users in the US (and soon the rest of the world) found themselves debating after a photo of Emmy winning comedian Kathy Griffin went viral. The photo, from her recent shoot with lens-man Tyler Shields, features Griffin holding up what appears to be the decapitated head of US President Donald Trump.

Trump lashed out at the photo in a tweet.

CNN Terminates Kathy's Contract:

CNN terminated Griffin's contracts with the news network in the wake of the controversy.

         "CNN has terminated our agreement with Kathy Griffin to appear on our New Year's Eve program," the network said in a statement. The move came close on the heels of Trump's eldest son demanding her sacking in a tweet to the network.

Twitter Isn't Amused

The move drew flak, and not just from Trump supporters. Take a look:

Of course, there were a few who turned the focus elsewhere.

Kathy Griffin Apologises

Griffin posted a video apologising for the photo.

While some are ready to accept her apology, many still not convinced.

Twitter users reached out to brands she is associated, asking them to drop her from campaigns.


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