Vostock 2018/ 東方2018 大演習
Economist September 8, 2018
accessed Sep 17, 2018
●"Russia has all but dropped any pretence of civility with America and Europe; China sticks to the notion of 'win-win relations. Russia arms the Taliban to frustrate America; China seeks to promote a peace deal in Afghanistan."
倫敦經濟學人9月8日說:" 俄羅斯跟美國及歐洲已不顧基本的禮貌了,但是中國仍然追求與歐美雙贏。俄羅斯武裝神學士打擊美國,但是中國仍然努力建構阿富汗地和平。"
●The largest Russian military exercises since the cold war were held in southern Siberia in which thousands of Chinese soldiers took part as honored guests.
●"The West should worry ...because the exercises hold a mirror to America's weakened alliances."
●"America appears to be complacent, clinging to the conventional notion that the two giant neighbors will never grow too close" (CPL: a misjudgement of the U.S.)