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"U.S. consumers caught in trade war"

International New York Times September 20, 2018 p.8

accessed September 25, 2018



"For American consumers, prices have already risen on some products that the administration targeted for tariffs this year-- most notably, washing machines which were subjected to steep tariffs in January"


"Many buyers are more likely to see big price effects next year than during the holidays"


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Vostock 2018/ 東方2018 大演習

Economist September 8, 2018

accessed Sep 17, 2018

41869759_2092901897407882_5568099858570543104_o (1).jpg



"Russia has all but dropped any pretence of civility with America and Europe; China sticks to the notion of 'win-win relations. Russia arms the Taliban to frustrate America; China seeks to promote a peace deal in Afghanistan."

  倫敦經濟學人98日說:" 俄羅斯跟美國及歐洲已不顧基本的禮貌了,但是中國仍然追求與歐美雙贏。俄羅斯武裝神學士打擊美國,但是中國仍然努力建構阿富汗地和平。"

The largest Russian military exercises since the cold war were held in southern Siberia in which thousands of Chinese soldiers took part as honored guests.

"The West should worry ...because the exercises hold a mirror to America's weakened alliances."


"America appears to be complacent, clinging to the conventional notion that the two giant neighbors will never grow too close" (CPL a misjudgement of the U.S.)





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A difficult diplomatic trip to India

accessed Sep 07, 2018

林中斌 2018.9.7


20180904 A difficult diplomatic trip to India.jpg

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accessed Sep 10, 2018

林中斌  2018.9.11




2010.12.6 本文字數:1196 目標字數:1200




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accessed Sep 10, 2018

林中斌 2018.9.11



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accessed Sep 10, 2018

其實,20176月,安倍有別以往抗拒" 一帶一路",表示將考慮參與" 一帶一路",東京已開始調整日本在美國中國之間的定位:向中方漸漸移動。
林中斌 2018.9.10



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Japan and the US
Watching Him Nervously

accessed Sep 17, 2018


The Alliance between Japan and America is under unprecedented stress, mainly because of America's president. There are worries in Tokyo that Mr. Trump might strike a deal with North Korea's leader that protects America but leaves Japan exposed to a North Korean attack.

日本擔心川普會跟金正恩達成協議, 保護了美國,卻讓日本暴露在北韓攻擊的危險之下。
Trump resents spending so much on deployments abroad including on Japan. He is obsessed with America's trade deficits with Japan. Trump has been neglecting Abe while interacting with Kim Jong Un. Trump appears ready to exploit military ties with Japan as bargaining chips in economic affairs.

Abe is now trying to pursue an independent foreign policy separating military and politcal/economic policies

and to improve relations with both Putin and Xi jinping as a balance to the tensions between Tokyo and Washington.


Chong-Pin Lin summary attempted September 17, 2018

林中斌 試摘譯 2018.9.17




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accessed July 15, 2018




連先生不合格。習先生合格。美防長Jim Matiss合格。


連先生不合格。習先生合格。美防長Jim Matiss合格。


林中斌 2018.7.15




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林中斌,〈 廟算蔡習會
《聯合報》 2018年07月20日
accessed Jul 20, 2018







●賴揆失分:對賴院長清德施政不滿意度由去年十月廿一點四趴上升至四十三點四趴新高,首度超越滿意度四十二點四  趴。













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《聯合報》 2018813
accessed Sep 03, 2018


    全世界其他五十八個直選總統的民主國家,沒有一個像美國候選人得票少反而當選總統。這現象在美國之前也不常見。美國上次得票少卻當選總統是一八八八年(Benjamin Harrison)。近來只隔十六年又重演。為何?









    ●共和黨政治優勢。三權分立的美國,目前共和黨已入主白宮主導行政,掌控國會主導立法,很可能即將主導司法。七月九日川普總統提名極為保守的Brett Kavanaugh為大法官接替立場居中的退休大法官Anthony Kennedy。最高法院九位終身職的大法官,自由派主導了卅年的將結束。





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《 聯合報》 2018年8月28日 頁 A15
accessed Sep 03, 2018




    這本小說從未絕版過,而且它版本之多為所有小說之冠。一三年英國《衛報》 (Guardian)列它為世界一百本最佳小說中第八名。改編成無數舞台劇之外,至今它已拍成五十六部電影,下一部明年將上映。它反映出每一個世代人們對科技創新的不安和期望。

    它的魅力跨越時間,以及空間。二○一四年,在戰火摧殘的敘利亞,居然出現得獎的阿拉伯文小說《巴格達的科學怪人》(Frankenstein in Bagdad)


    它被譽為現代科幻小說之鼻祖,其影響力甚至跨入科學。今年美國National Science Foundation特地資助印行為科學家、工程師、和所有創新者所編的版本(Frankenstein: Annotated for Scientists, Engineers, and Creators of All Kinds)。科學期刊Science也在今年一月出版特刊及專文(The Long Shadow of Frankenstein)討論此書至今為何仍為科學家所必讀。無情冰冷的科學如何和有情熱血的人類共處?人類的科學發明又如何不會毀滅人類?這些議題隨了人工生命、基因改造、機器人等的出現愈形重要。


    一八一六是歐洲歷史上「無夏日之年」。那是一七九○至一八三○年「道爾頓小冰河期」(Dalton Minimum)寒冷的極致。剛好又碰上印尼火山(Tambora Mount)爆發,火山灰長期遮蔽太陽,各地長久不見天日。六月中某晚,在陰雨綿綿的瑞士日內瓦湖畔,一座考究的別墅內,五位英國俊男美女,應景當時詭異的氣氛,比賽講恐怖故事。



    第三位是廿歲的醫生,拜倫仰慕者(John Polidori)


    第五位是瑪麗的繼妹Clare Claremont


這比賽產生了兩本傳世的小說:Polidori醫生的《吸血鬼》(The Vampire) 和瑪麗˙雪萊的《科學怪人》。後者當時贏得比賽。
    瑪麗的父親是新潮哲學家William Godwin。母親是女權運動先驅Mary Wollstonecraft,曾憧憬法國大革命,前往巴黎目睹恐怖的暴民,失望而歸。家庭環境自幼薰陶,妙齡瑪麗的智慧早已超越了一般的想像。母親生下瑪麗後,染病而亡,種下瑪麗心靈上的陰影。創造她的母親因她而死,有如創造怪人的科學家毀於怪人之手。巴黎街頭的叛亂和仇恨,由瑪麗的筆注入怪人的性格。






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June 8, 2018












林中斌 2018.6.8

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accessed October 25, 2017

-- Richard Heydarian, "China's Regional Isolation" Al Jazeera November 23, 2015
-- "China Scores Diplomatic Coup in Sea Row" Agence France-Presse August 7, 2017

林中斌 2017.12.25

日期:20171223 本文字數:1100 目標字數:1100

●其他東協國家:一七年八月初,東盟外長會議達成「南海行為準則」架構。前述R. Heydarian認為:「這是中國外交大勝利。」英國南海專家B. Hayton表示:比起○二年的決議,這架構的文字有利中國甚多。對東協,北京的確下功夫。美國盟友泰國向它買潛艇。它幫印尼造高鐵。它也幫馬來西亞造高鐵,花四十億元美金承建皇京港。





China's regional isolation
http://www.aljazeera.com/…/china-regional-isolation-1511221…accessed Dec. 20, 2017
ASEAN summit saw member countries pushing for a legally binding 'code of conduct' in the South China Sea as a way to constraint China's territorial assertiveness in the area, writes Heydarian [AP]
On the surface, China looks nothing short of an Asian juggernaut. It boasts Asia's biggest economy, having eclipsed Japan in the aftermath of the global financial crisis, and is poised to become the world's biggest in the near future.
It is already the world's largest trading power, having overtaken the United States in 2013. And within a relatively short period, China has emerged as a leading investor, particularly in the realm of infrastructure development, across the global south and beyond.
Unlike Japan, China is a comprehensive power, which isn't bedevilled by constitutional restrictions on the development of its offensive military capabilities. Flushed with cash and ambition, China has rapidly caught up with leading military powers, now boasting two operational fifth-generation jet fighters, an aircraft carrier, and sophisticated asymmetrical area-denial/anti-access (A2/AD) capabilities.

ASEAN summit leaders meet in Kuala Lumpur
No wonder then, that leading naval experts such as James Holmes have described China as "a near-peer [military] competitor vis-a-vis the United States" in East Asia.
And yet, one can't escape the impression that China is suffering increasing diplomatic isolation due to its aggressive manoeuvres across contested waters such as the South China Sea.
Not to mention that China's recent economic troubles, ranging from massive stock market crashes to declining manufacturing exports, have chipped away at its long-held image as a beacon of capitalist success.
Conscious of growing worries over China's economic health, Chinese President Xi Jinping, in his keynote speech during the APEC summit, was adamant that his country's economy is strong, resilient, and dynamic.
All of a sudden, China has been on the diplomatic back foot, while the US and its allies have been confidently pushing for greater regional unity to ensure freedom of navigation and maritime security in the Asia-Pacific region.
The elephant in the room
China's weakened regional position was evident during the recently concluded Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) summits.
Without a doubt, China is expected to stand its ground and further consolidate its territorial claims in adjacent waters. But it is also clear that Beijing is no longer seen as a fully benign, peacefully rising power by many of its neighbours.

Confronting criticism over its territorial assertiveness in adjacent waters, China desperately sought to eliminate any multilateral discussion of the South China Sea disputes.
Fearful that the Philippines, this year's APEC host and China's rival claimant state, would use the event to diplomatically confront Beijing, Xi refused to confirm his participation until the 11th hour, and making it conditional on the host's agreement to brush aside the maritime disputes during the APEC summit.
Before Xi's highly anticipated visit, China dispatched Foreign Minister Wang Yi to Manila to warn the Philippines against embarrassing his boss. In effect, Beijing tried to influence the summit's agenda so that no dark shadow would be cast on its image.
To secure Xi's participation, and to bolster its credentials as a magnanimous host, Manila promised not to mention the disputes in the main agenda of APEC, and extended a warm welcome to the Chinese leader.
Allies chip-in
After all, Xi's visit would mark his first to the Southeast Asian country, potentially paving the way for the resuscitation of long-frozen high-level contacts between the two countries. As the leader of the second biggest economy in the Asia-Pacific region, Xi's presence was considered as essential to a successful APEC summit.
Though China managed to block any discussion of the disputes in the APEC's main statements, the Philippines did bring the issue to the fore in its bilateral engagements on the sidelines of the summit.
Shortly after landing in Manila, US President Barack Obama made a highly symbolic visit to the Philippines' flagship naval vessel BRP Gregorio del Pilar. He reiterated the United States' "ironclad commitment" to its alliance with the Philippines, pledging to donate two vessels and an increase in overall maritime security assistance to the country.
Both countries emphasised the centrality of freedom of navigation to regional security. For the US and its allies, China's massive reclamation activities and increased military presence across the South China Sea poses threats to freedom of navigation in one of the world's most important sea lines of communications.
Regional pushback
Vietnam, another maritime rival of China, also signed a strategic partnership agreement with the Philippines, which deepens diplomatic, legal, and naval cooperation between the two Southeast Asian countries against China. The new agreement was meant to signal to Beijing that its rivals in the South China Sea were forming a counter-alliance.
The Philippines signed a new military deal with Japan as well, another regional power that has been perturbed by China's maritime assertiveness. Under the latest deal, the Philippines is expected to benefit from greater military aid from and more regular joint naval exercises with Tokyo.
Other regional powers such as Australia, South Korea and even Russia, offered greater military assistance to the Philippines, which has been caught in a precarious maritime dispute with China.
Earlier this month, an anxious China went so far as sabotaging a high-level talk among regional defence ministers, the ASEAN Defence Minister Meeting-Plus, by refusing to sign up to a joint statement that would have covered the South China Sea disputes.

Yet, to China's dismay, the recently concluded ASEAN summit saw Southeast Asian foreign ministers pushing for a legally binding "code of conduct" in the South China Sea as a way to constraint China's territorial assertiveness in the area.
Without a doubt, China is expected to stand its ground and further consolidate its territorial claims in adjacent waters. But it is also clear that Beijing is no longer seen as a fully benign, peacefully rising power by many of its neighbours, who have increasingly gravitated towards the US as the supposed guarantor of regional security in Asia. (CPL
Ironically, the trend has overturned by December 2017)
Richard Javad Heydarian is a specialist in Asian geopolitical/economic affairs and author of Asia's New Battlefield: US, China, and the Struggle for Western Pacific.
The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect Al Jazeera's editorial policy.

China scores diplomatic coup in sea row
Agence France-Presse / 07:07 AM August 07, 2017

http://globalnation.inquirer.net/…/china-scores-diplomatic-… accessed December 22, 2017

China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi speaks during a press conference on the sidelines of the 50th Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) regional security forum in Manila on August 6, 2017. AFP
China on Sunday scored a diplomatic coup in its campaign to weaken regional resistance against its sweeping claims to the South China Sea when Southeast Asian nations issued a diluted statement on the dispute and agreed to Beijing’s terms on talks.
After two days of tense meetings on the dispute in the Philippine capital, foreign ministers from the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) issued a joint communique that diplomats involved said was carefully worded to avoid angering China.
The release of the statement came shortly after the ministers met with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and agreed on a framework for conducting negotiations on the decades-long row that included key clauses advocated by China.
“This is an important outcome of our joint effort,” Wang told reporters as he celebrated the agreement.
China claims nearly all of the strategically vital sea, through which $5 trillion in annual shipping trade passes and is believed to sit atop vast oil and gas deposits.
Its sweeping claims overlap with those of Asean members Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia and Brunei, as well as Taiwan.
China has dramatically expanded its presence in the contested areas in recent years by building giant artificial islands that could be used as military bases, raising concerns it will eventually establish de facto control over the waters.

Duterte thanks China again for its help during 5-month Marawi siege
In what two diplomats involved said was another victory for Beijing on Sunday, Asean members declined to say in their joint statement that the hoped-for code of conduct with China be “legally binding”.
Vietnam, the most determined critic of China on the issue, had insisted during two days of negotiations that Asean insist the code be legally binding, arguing otherwise it would be meaningless.
The Asean ministers failed to release the joint statement as expected after meeting on Saturday because of their differences on the sea issue, with Vietnam pushing for tougher language and Cambodia lobbying hard for China.
“Vietnam is adamant, and China is effectively using Cambodia to champion its interests,” one diplomat told AFP on Sunday as negotiations extended into overtime.
Consensus struggle
Tensions over the sea have long vexed Asean, which operates on a consensus basis but has had to balance the interests of rival claimants and those more aligned to China.
Critics of China have accused it of trying to divide Asean with strong-armed tactics and checkbook diplomacy, enticing smaller countries in the bloc such as Cambodia and Laos to support it.
The Philippines, under previous president Benigno Aquino, had been one of the most vocal critics of China and filed a case before a UN-backed tribunal.
The tribunal last year ruled China’s sweeping claims to the sea had no legal basis.
But China, despite being a signatory to the UN’s Convention on the Law of the Sea, ignored the ruling.
The Philippines, under new President Rodrigo Duterte, decided to play down the verdict in favour of pursuing warmer ties with Beijing. This in turn led to offers of billions of dollars in investments or aid from China.
“It’s clear that China’s pressure on individual Asean governments has paid off,” Bill Hayton, a South China Sea expert and associate fellow with the Asia Program at Chatham House in London, told AFP.
Hayton and other analysts said the agreement on a framework for talks on Sunday came 15 years after a similar document was signed committing the parties to begin negotiations.
The 2002 document was more strongly worded against China.
China used those 15 years to cement its claims, while continuing to get Asean to issue ever-weaker statements of opposition, according to the analysts.
“It would appear China has never lost in terms of seeing the language of Asean forum statements being toned down,” Ei Sun Oh, adjunct senior fellow at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies in Singapore, told AFP.
Philippine academic and security analyst Richard Heydarian expressed stronger sentiments as he summarized Sunday’s developments: “Overall it’s a slam dunk diplomatic victory for China”. CBB



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China’s PLA Air Force Raises Pressure on Taiwan

Jens Kastner Asiasentinel, December 12, 2017


accessed December 13, 2017

--原來支持希拉蕊的"民進黨左翼"媒體現在批評川普,而民進黨政府國防花費又不足3%使川普不悅。此發展置蔡英文政府於兩難的 困境。因為蔡政府需要川普支持台灣對抗北京。

林中斌 2017.12.13




  In the latest of an increasing number of close calls, the Chinese pilot of a H-6K strategic bomber set off alarms on Taiwan’s air defense identification zone off the island’s southern coast on Dec. 7, buzzing a scrambled Taiwanese F-16 fighter jet and radioing the pilot to get lost.

  The PLA Air Force has increased its incursions into Taiwan’s air defense zone in the second half of this year, with the Taiwanese military confirming five such forays in less than two months since the conclusion of China’s 19th Communist Party Congress in late October, where President Xi Jinping in his opening speech offered what was called by the Foreign Policy Research Institute an “exercise in chest thumping and minor sabre rattling over Taiwan.”

  Prior to the Dec. 7 snub, intercepted by a Taiwanese amateur radio operator and published by Taiwan’s Apple Daily, mid-air encounters between the two sides had been relatively polite in tone, with the Chinese pilots often addressing the Taiwanese as “compatriots” despite serious political tensions.

  The incident is regarded on the island as the latest indicator that the cross-strait military relation is entering a new and frightening era.

  “PLA Air Force flights through the Miyako Strait and down the east side of Taiwan are serious war preparation exercises, and operations on the east side of Taiwan are required in order to impose an air and naval blockade that would precede an invasion,” said Rick Fisher, a cross-strait military expert at the International Assessment and Strategy Center, in an interview with Asia Sentinel.


  “It is very necessary for Taiwan to continually challenge such PLA exercises to demonstrate resolve and to publicize China’s essential hostility to a free Taiwan,” he added.

  It is not only the changing tone and the increased frequency of PLA drills that alarm the Taiwanese but also way these drills are conducted.

  Signaling that things are turning much more serious, Ilyushin Il-78 aerial refueling planes were recently added to the formations, allowing the PLA’s Sukhoi Su-30 fighter jets to escort PLA bombers as far as to Hawaii.

  Another noteworthy change is that the formations have now begun taking off from further away in the Chinese hinterland, making them more difficult to detect by Taiwan’s early warning systems.

  The increased airborne threat is magnified by a growing seaborne one, as reflected by China’s first aircraft carrier, the Liaoning, and its accompanying convoy in late 2016 for the first time completing a voyage circling Taiwan and continuing to operate frequently near the island.

  According to Chen Ching-Chang, a Taiwan-born political scientist at Japan’s Ryukoku University, the PLA’s aircraft still cannot stay in eastern Taiwan’s air space for too long, and it remains risky for the aircraft carrier Liaoning to operate beyond the first-island chain. The PLA’s activities are as much about getting familiar with the area as about applying pressure on the administration of Taiwanese president Tsai Ing-wen of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), which still refuses to accept the “One China” principle.

  “The fact that these activities to surround Taiwan stopped during the 19th Party Congress and the APEC and East Asia Summit meetings, which overlapped with [US President] Trump’s trip to Asia, means that they were driven more by the political motive of teaching Taipei a lesson than by the need of regular training,” Chen said.

  He added that Japan, whose Self-Defense Forces have from April 2016 to March 2017 themselves scrambled a whopping 851 times for intercepting PLA aircraft, “would not be quiet about that” if the Japanese government had not lately been preoccupied with North Korean nuclear weapons and missile development.

  John F Copper, a US political scientist and Taiwan expert, for his part noted that Taiwan’s scrambling of F-16s amid the recent PLA activities looks like a weak response to most, with the media reporting that China’s purpose in sending the Liaoning around Taiwan was to warn the DPP about supporting independence. 

  “It accentuates the fact that, contrary to what President Tsai and DPP leaders say, Taiwan will not decide its future,” Copper said. “The US will as only it prevents China from taking the island, which it could do easily according to recent studies and computer modelling.” 

  Copper went on arguing that the recent PLA activities also create a less obvious dilemma for President Tsai and what he calls “the left-of-center DPP,” as they supported Hillary Clinton in the US presidential race in 2016 but are now finding themselves completely relying on President Donald Trump.

  The pro-DPP media reports a lot of anti-Trump news and opinions, Copper said, suggesting that Trump is no doubt not pleased about this and is unhappy about Taiwan not living up to promises it has made to the US about spending 3 percent of its GDP on the island’s defenses.

  “PLA activities are a lot more frightening in Taiwan in view of this situation,” Copper said.




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兩岸要突破 專家:得靠密使

2017/10/29 大紀元 江禹嬋


以下為2017.10.29 大紀元發表對在下有關蔡習會可能性的訪問。
題目或改為"兩岸要突破 高層管道有需要"



●2017.10.12日聯合報報導 "川普請益季辛吉會後大談秘密外交"北韓軍武威脅增| 全球| 聯合新聞網



新華澳報 2017.10.8 社論 "十九大兩岸模式,算盤能否打得響?


林中斌 2017.10.29

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聯合報, 20171013


accessed October 13, 2017

耀發表 的報導,但在下這次並未向獲獎多次的前路透社駐北京社長林洸耀
(Benjamin Kan Lim et al.,“China's Xi looks set to keep right-hand 
man on despite age” Reuters October 11, 2017 


林中斌 2017.10.13

●This monthly column of mine in the United Daily News entitled “Wang 
Qishan Will Remain in Power after the Chinese Communist Party19th 
Party Congress” is published today although my manuscript has been 
submitted since a week ago on October 6.
●My view of WQS to remain in power conforms with that of an October 11 
Reuters report by Benjamin Kan Lim et al.. However, this time I have not 
consulted with Benjamin Lim who was Reuter’s bureau chief in Beijing, 
and after having garnered several prestigious awards is the leading 
Reuters Beijing journalist.
●While Benjamin Lim’s analysis is based on interviews with 16 anonymous 
insiders with connections with Beijing leadership, mine is based on open 
sources and logic.
●Currently, observers of Beijing politics remain severely divided on whether 
WQS will or will not stay in power after next week.

Chong-Pin Lin October 13, 2017

日期:20171006 本文字數1099 目標字數:1100

●破除內外後遺症:不讓國外郭文貴倒王得逞,也不讓國內反王運動爆發。 中共黨的「中紀委」與政府的「國監委」是兩個機構但合署辦公。「國監委」與「國務院」是平級,執行「異體監督」。「國監委」領導與「國務院」總理也是平級。「國監委」領導在國外,可受總理的待遇。那是王岐山之前所任中紀委書記沒有的國際尊榮。


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accessed October 3, 2017


自由時報(2017.10.1) 亞洲週刊 (2017.10.8號但於2017.10.2上架)幾乎同時登載要重視"古典力"的言論。兩份基本立場明顯不同的期刊呼籲相同的關切。是巧合?或突顯此議題的重要性已跨越了政治立場?

兩篇所根據的是4年前(2013)由天下雜誌出版的日本學者 齋藤孝所著"古典力"的中文譯本。

齋藤孝所著"古典力"呼應了 1998年美國歷史學者 Alf J. Mapp Jr. 所著 "Golden Ages" (黃金朝代)的主題之一。即治理國家,古典的智慧不能拋棄。

● "Golden Ages" (黃金時時代) 提到歷史三個輝煌的案例:
1. 文藝復興時代的翡冷翠/弗羅倫斯
2. 伊利沙白一世的英國
3. 開國時期的美國


十九世紀瑞士偉大的哲學家、教育家、藝術家博哈特說: "擺脫傳統的人,變得太弱太窮,而無法靠自己創造出偉大的成就。沒有過去的人只是個蠻人。" "man, divorces from tradition, is too weak and too poor a creature to create greatness out of himself..... Without his past man is a barbarian." (Jacob Christoph Burckhardt 1818-1897, Swiss philosopher)

歌德在1832年所寫的最後一封信裡說:"最好的天才 能吸收新事務,同時毫不減損他祖先傳下來的精華,反而把家傳的優點發揚光大。" "the best genius is that which absorbs the new, without this in the least impairing its inheritance, but rather enhancing it".

林中斌 2017.10,3

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The Democrats’ Dilemma

accessed September 28, 2017


川普總統可能連任,如果民主黨無法自我整合。目前,民主黨是分裂的。時代雜誌2017.10.2 pp.28-33.

林中斌 2017.9.28



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梁雅雯 中評社 2017年8月23日


accessed August 23, 2017



林中斌 2017.8.25



中評社台北823日電(記者 梁雅雯)


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藍孝威 中國時報 2017年8月24日


accessed August 24, 2017







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