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--川普向中國拉開貿易戰序幕: 叫罵示威。

-- 倫敦經濟學人雜誌冷眼看穿。

林中斌 2018.4.3

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●20171013日 《聯合報》名人堂 林中斌「王岐山十九大應會留任」
(“中國新核心 調查局猜中一半 國安會狀況外?《聯合報》 20171028)
317日《中時電子報》: 「習近平全票連任國家主席王岐山當選副主席」

林中斌 2018.3.17

圖åƒè£¡å¯èƒ½æœ‰1 人

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當時在下私下與朋友表示: 北京應已知曉南北韓將接觸。文在寅訪中時已告訴習近平與北韓互動之苗頭;而北韓雖表面慍中,私下應已照會北京與南韓接觸之苗頭。
兩三年前有山東某蘇姓?教授公開建議習: 應樂見南北韓統一,否則自我矛盾。。因為南北韓統一與兩岸統一的道理相通。

林中斌 2018.3.27



以北韓新聞為主的電子媒體《Daily NK Japan26日晚報導,北韓與大陸邊境的丹東被察覺有不尋常動態,丹東車站設置巨大的隔板牆,讓人感受警備森嚴的氣氛,當地人傳說,「北韓黨委員長金正恩來了?」,難道是北京的「特別列車」抵達了嗎?









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Stephen Marche New York Times March 22, 2018


accessed March 22, 2018

加拿大今年67日安大略省選舉極可能出現像川普的新省長Doug Ford。他目前在民調中遙遙領先47% 只有26%的對手。(請見貼在樓上的紐約時報評論 Will Canada Elect a Tin-pot Northern Trump?)

一本心靈書(出版201711月屬系列的第四本)中開悟的老師預言未來世界說:將來會有更多crazy people winning election(p.129)。之前在第一本2002出版書"再見娑婆"(The Disappearance of the Universe )曾說2012.12.21 非世界末日,但會有許多災變。(更重要的是開悟的老師說: 無論發生任何災變,勿忘寬恕:"just be ready to forgive no matter what.")

Toronto — Tell me if you’ve heard this before: The spoiled son of a sprawling business dynasty positions himself as an anti-elite populist. During a pivotal campaign, he brushes off a history of crude remarks as political incorrectness to the delight of his base. Then, running against the establishment of his own party and an evidently more qualified female candidate, he loses the popular vote but manages, by way of an arcane voting system, to take power.

No, I’m not rehashing the victory of President Trump. I’m describing the rise of Canadian politician Doug Ford, who this month was elected leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario, the right-of-center opposition in the country’s most populous province. With his party leading in the polls ahead of a June 7 election, Mr. Ford has a strong chance of becoming premier.

Trumpism, it seems, has migrated north.

Several years before the 2016 United States presidential campaign, Mr. Ford’s brother, the deceased former mayor of Toronto, Rob Ford, more or less invented the politics of boorish, divisive populism the American president has since mastered. Rob Ford figured out as early as 2010 that riding out scandal, while blaming the media and other unspecified “elites,” was a winning political strategy.

Torontonians forgave flaws in his character, appreciated them, even embraced them as signs of authenticity. It didn’t matter to his base that he smoked crack cocaine while in office. The Rob Ford era demonstrated that someone as shameless as Mr. Trump had a shot as a political figure.

Doug Ford is a more serious and self-disciplined version of his bumbling younger brother. He has resisted comparisons between himself and the president, but has also spoken fondly about The Donald. “Absolutely he respects women,” he said of the Republican presidential candidate in 2016. “There’s millions of women that have voted for him. So all those millions of women are dumb? I don’t think so.”

Mr. Ford, while much less addled than his brother was, has also been connected to Toronto’s underbelly, where Rob Ford spent so much of his time as mayor. The Globe and Mail newspaper reported in 2013 that Mr. Ford sold drugs throughout the better part of the 1980s. (He has never been charged and denies the allegations.) Thirty years later, if elected his government would be responsible for implementing Ontario’s new, legal recreational cannabis stores.

Overnight, the election of Mr. Ford crushed the smugness Canadians have been feeling since their prime minister, Justin Trudeau, appointed a cabinet of 50 percent women and became the envy of enlightened progressives the world over. The deep-seated cultural and political alienation at the root of Trump and Brexit is in full force in Canada as well.

Mr. Ford is already a front-runner. One poll has the Progressive Conservatives at 47 percent support and the incumbent Ontario Liberal Party at 26 percent. The latter, having ruled since 2003, has nearly 15 years’ worth of scandal to show for it. Rising inequality across the province, distaste for progressive rhetoric and the sense of a generalized corruption of politics as a whole is fueling, as elsewhere, a populism as inchoate as it is powerful.

And from Italy to the Philippines to Canada, this cannibalizing populism is swallowing traditional Conservatism whole. Mr. Ford snuck through to the leadership on a voting system that ranked ballots. He won neither the popular vote nor the greatest number of constituencies. But the Progressive Conservative machine is behind him already. It operates on inherited loyalties, antipathy against scandal-plagued opponents, time-for-a-change sentiments and basic self-interest.



Ideas were probably always somewhat irrelevant, so it hardly matters that the so-called Conservative parties aren’t conservative anymore. Or rather, Conservatism itself has changed. The Conservatism of law and order, of common decency and of fiscal responsibility has been rendered null and void. After the last provincial election, which the Liberals won handily, Mr. Ford, then a Toronto city councilor, prescribed “an enema from top to bottom” for the caucus he just inherited. The effluent is now lapping at his feet.

They may hope to change him. They won’t. Already, Mr. Ford, who has never held a seat in the Legislature, is boasting about a historically large victory in the offing. His bragging has an all-too familiar ring stateside. To stand with Mr. Ford is to express rage — and this rage will take its customary atavistic forms.

The current premier, Kathleen Wynne, the first lesbian elected to the post, introduced a modernized sex-education curriculum to the province’s public school systems. Just days after his election, Mr. Ford pledged to remove it, a policy that has support among some new immigrant communities, who tend to be more socially conservative.

He’s also running the standard Ford playbook. Elites are people who sip “Champagne with their pinkies in the air.” (His family’s label and packaging company is said to make tens of millions in annual sales.)

His infamous brother, when you get right down to it, was only the mayor of Toronto, which is not a very powerful position. Toronto’s “weak mayor” system ensures that its leader only gets one vote on the city council. In Canada, it’s actually the premier of a province who matters. His or her government regulates the schools and the public health care system. Do the people of Ontario really want a tin-pot northern Trump in charge of things that affect their daily lives? Canada’s Constitution calls for “peace, order and good government”; it is hard to imagine anyone who could fulfill that mandate less.

Mr. Ford’s sweep in as quiet and stable a place as Ontario points to a broader global crisis from which apparently there is no escape. Conservatism is no longer a political ideology in the recognized sense, but a repository of loathing and despair. It’s where people thrust their hatred of modernity — of globalism and multiculturalism and technocratic expertise, but also of the democracy that fostered those systems in the first place. By giving high office to buffoons, by choosing thugs as their representatives and by reveling in nastiness for its own sake, the Conservative brand now is principally a marker of contempt for political order itself.

Conservatism has meant many things to many people around the world. Now, just about everywhere, it looks a lot like a raised middle finger; Ford and friends are the latest to salute.

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The Dirty Secret of America Nuclear Arms in Korea

Walter Pincus New York Times March 19, 2018


accessed March 19, 2018

North Korea may be unreliable, but it was America that broke with the Korean armistice by introducing nuclear weapons into South Korea in 1958.
北韓 或許不可靠,然而是美國先破壞 韓戰停戰協定:1958年美國 部署核子武器進南韓。

As President Trump prepares for a possible meeting with Kim Jong-un, the North Korean leader, many Americans are raising warnings that North Korea has walked away from previous arms agreements. But those skeptics should remember that it was the United States, in 1958, that broke the 1953 Korean Armistice Agreement, when the Eisenhower administration sent the first atomic weapons into South Korea.

By the mid-1960s, the United States had more than 900 nuclear artillery shells, tactical bombs, surface-to-surface rockets and missiles, antiaircraft missiles and nuclear land mines in South Korea. Even nuclear projectiles for Davy Crockett recoilless rifles were for several years based in South Korea.

The presence of those American weapons probably motivated the North Koreans to accelerate development of their own nuclear weapons. Although all the tactical United States nuclear weapons were removed from South Korea in 1991, the Seoul government still remains under the American nuclear umbrella — and the impetus for Kim Jong-un to have his own remains, as it did for his father and grandfather.

“The danger that U.S. nuclear weapons might be used against the North has been a central principle in its strategic thought and actions ever since,” Joseph S. Bermudez Jr., a North Korea expert, wrote in a 2015 paper.


The 1953 Korean armistice, which halted three years of bloody fighting, contained a provision that prohibited new types of weapons or ammunition to be introduced into the peninsula by either the United States-led United Nations forces, or the North Korean and Chinese forces. The armistice agreement even set up inspection teams from neutral nations to monitor incoming weapons shipments.


People marched through Pyongyang, North Korea, in July of 1958 demanding the withdrawal of U.S. forces from South Korea.CreditKeystone/Hulton Archive, via Getty Images

However, declassified United States documents describe in detail how the Eisenhower administration, worried about the cost of defending South Korea and the prowess of North Korea’s Chinese-backed military, agreed to send tactical nuclear weapons systems to South Korea. In return, the administration was hoping to get the Joint Chiefs of Staff to support reducing the number of American and South Korean troops on the peninsula that the United States was financing, at a cost of about $650 million a year for the Korean troops alone.

Planning to send the atomic weapons to South Korea began in 1956. A Nov. 28, 1956, meeting involving Defense and State Department officials was titled “Defense proposal to authorize the introduction of ‘Honest John’ and the 280 millimeter gun in Korea,” according to a declassified memorandum.

According to that memorandum, the Pentagon’s general counsel argued that American soldiers in South Korea “should be permitted to have weapons of dual capability” — noting that the Honest John rocket system and the 280-millimeter gun “have both conventional and atomic capability.”

The State Department’s legal adviser, Herman Phleger, responded that the two weapons systems “would be a violation” of the armistice agreement and could not be justified as a matter of “liberal interpretation.” He added that these nuclear-capable weapons “would create an imbalance” which would violate the spirit of the agreement, especially since American officials could not establish that the North Koreans had deployed atomic weapons.


Pentagon officials argued that the Joint Chiefs of Staff regarded the introduction of the Honest John and Davy Crockett systems as “essential from a military viewpoint.” In turn they suggested that the North, by obtaining new artillery weapons and high performance aircraft, had violated the agreement and freed the United States “to disregard its restrictions.”

According to notes from a National Security Council meeting on June 13, 1957, Adm. Arthur Radford, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, indicated that military planning for South Korea could not continue “without being able to count on the use of nuclear weapons.” Eisenhower agreed that jets capable of carrying nuclear weapons should be introduced into the South. But he also noted that if the United States introduced nuclear-capable Honest John rocket systems and 280-millimeter guns to the South, they would be “so conspicuous that you would have to explain their introduction to the whole world.”

On June 21, 1957, the senior official on the United Nations Command of the Military Armistice Commission, Maj. Gen. Homer L. Litzenberg, indicated that, given the North Koreans’ alleged violations, the command would no longer consider itself bound by certain limitations in the armistice agreement. The North Korean representative at the commission described General Litzenberg’s statement as an attempt “to wreck the armistice agreement and turn South Korea into an American base of atomic warfare.”

That day, the abrogation of the weapons prohibition was announced by the United Nations Command. The New York Times reported from Panmunjom, North Korea, that during a United Nations meeting, General Litzenberg had “left the door open for the introduction in South Korea of weapons capable of firing atomic warheads.” General Litzenberg declined to say what type of weapons the organizations planned to bring in.

However, that same day in Washington, the assistant secretary of defense for public affairs, Murray Snyder, told Pentagon reporters that no ground weapons capable of firing atomic warheads would be introduced. That turned out to be untrue.

At an Aug. 8, 1957, National Security Council meeting, Secretary of State John Foster Dulles said, according to meeting notes, that ending the Korea arms prohibitions “had been pretty well received throughout the Free World.” Secretary of Defense Charles Erwin Wilson said the plan to put nuclear weapons in South Korea, if adopted, “would be able to bring home approximately 8,000 American military personnel and we could cut out four active South Korean divisions, which would save us approximately $125 million a year.”

It took months to negotiate reduction of four South Korean divisions with Syngman Rhee, the South Korean president. But on Dec. 24, 1957, Army Secretary Wilber Brucker was authorized to introduce into Korea the Honest John and 280-millimeter gun “as soon as is feasible under Army deployment schedules.”

Three days later, the American Embassy in South Korea proposed announcing the arrival of the atomic-capable weapons, saying the news was “bound to become public knowledge.” The United Nations Command agreed, and at a news conference in Seoul on Jan. 28, 1958, the arrival of the atomic-capable weapons was announced. A United States Army spokesman refused to say how many cannons arrived and whether they were accompanied by atomic warheads. It was a two-paragraph story on page 3 of The New York Times.

Since then, Americans have forgotten this history and American politicians have only blamed North Korea for undermining arms agreements. Pyongyang has indeed been unreliable; but its leaders recall what happened in the 1950s, having spent 33 years facing American nuclear weapons just across the border in South Korea.

The United States does not come to any future talks with totally clean hands. Both sides have reasons to adopt Ronald Reagan’s advice: “Trust, but verify.”



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With option to rule for life, China's Xi sets sights on Taiwan

CNN March 20, 2018


accessed March 20, 2018


感謝CNN 記者Joshua Berlinger ,他是西方記者中少有終於把我英文名字拼對了的。

林中斌 2018.3.20

I wish to congratulate Joshua Berlinger for spelling my name correctly, a badge of high professionalism.

Chong-Pin Lin March 20, 2018

Others spoke of a brain drain, and many see the continued integration as inevitable due to Beijing's growing economic might.
"If the trends continue, the elected government in Taiwan will have to reconsider the direction of cross-strait policy," said Chong-Pin Lin, Taiwan's former deputy minister of national defense and first vice-chairman of the Mainland Affairs Council. "I think Beijing knows that very well."
"Soft power may eventually lead to what Beijing or Xi wants, which is integration and unification," said Lin.

Hong Kong (CNN) Xi Jinping began his second term as China's president with a blunt warning for Taiwan, an island it views as a breakaway province.

"All acts and tricks to split the motherland are doomed to failure and will be condemned by the people and punished by history," Xi said Tuesday at the close of the National People's Congress, Beijing's rubber-stamp legislature.

"Every inch of our great motherland's territory cannot be separated from China," he said, drawing loud applause from his audience inside the Great Hall of the People.

The tough talk on Taiwan isn't new. But Xi now has the option to serve as president for life, meaning he can execute strategies that last decades rather than years.

That long leash could give Xi opportunity to focus on achieving something that's eluded Chinese Communist leaders for nearly seven decades since the founding of the People's Republic: regaining control of Taiwan.

"Taiwan is very important and he wants to do it within his lifetime," said Willy Lam, a professor at the Center for China Studies at the Chinese University in Hong Kong.

"If Xi Jinping can pull off this national reunification by so-called liberating Taiwan, then he has something in the history books," Lam said.



Socialism with Chinese characteristics? Beijing's propaganda explained

The democratic island of Taiwan (officially the Republic of China) is separated from mainland China (the People's Republic) by a thin stretch of water and has been self-governed since a bloody civil war ended in 1949.

Though both Taipei and Beijing view the island as part of China, neither government recognizes the legitimacy of the opposing side, with Beijing warning that it could retake the island by force if necessary.

A renewed focus by Xi on Taiwan would put China on a collision course with the United States, which has diplomatic relations only with Beijing but maintains close unofficial links with Taipei.

Washington also provides arms to the island under the Taiwan Relations Act, and has signaled closer ties with Taiwan after President Donald Trump signed a bill Friday that aims to make it easier for US officials to visit the island and Taiwan officials to visit the US.



Xi Jinping Fast Facts

Zhang Baohui, a professor of political science at Lingnan University in Hong Kong said that Taiwan could be part of Xi's motive for removing restrictions on term limits but it's not an issue he's likely to move on in the near term.

"His most important priority is domestic politics. Externally, Taiwan is secondary compared to US-Sino relations, the Korean peninsula and boosting China's leadership role in the world."

For now, what he wants is to deter Taiwan from greater independence, Zhang said, but that calculation could change should the balance of power shift between the US and China.

"After 20 years, by 2040, if China's achieved military parity then it may be feasible if they could win at a low cost."

One of China's top military leaders, Han Weiguo, the commander of the Chinese military's ground forces, said last week that Taiwan should be reunited by peaceful means but warned: "That doesn't mean the problem could be postponed indefinitely. It should be solved as quickly as possible," Han said, according to the Hong Kong-based South China Morning Post.

Nationalist fervor

A pillar of Xi's leadership has been his promise of returning China to its former glory, before Western powers dealt the country a humiliating blow, starting in the Opium Wars of the 1800s, and the chaos that engulfed China throughout the early 20th Century.

Part of that promise is steeped in nationalism, and there's perhaps no other issue that whips up more nationalist fervor inside China than the issue of Taiwan.



Straying from the policy of "One China," which has governed relations between Beijing, Taipei and Washington for decades, can lead to serious consequences.

Companies like MarriottZara and Delta all had their websites blocked by China's censors in January after authorities found they listed Taiwan as a separate country.

The same sensitivity can be seen in Beijing's furious response to the Taiwan Travel Act, which Trump signed into law with little fanfare Friday.

The new law encourages US government officials of all levels to travel to Taiwan for official meetings and vice versa. While it has no binding legal force, it's symbolically supportive of Taiwan. Beijing has often called on the US to block visits by Taiwan's political leaders.

"China demands that the US keep its promises, rectify its wrongs, refrain from implementing relevant clauses of the bill and stop seeking any official contacts, military ties or arms sales with Taiwan, so as to avoid doing serious harm to the China-US relationship, the ties between the two countries' militaries and the peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait," Chinese Defense Ministry spokesman Wu Qian said Sunday.

Beijing fears developments in Taiwan that are out of its control, said Bonnie Glaser, the director of the China Power Project at Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington.

"Beijing is worried about the potential for Taiwan to sort of drift off in a direction toward independence," Glaser said.

"They seem to be nervous that because, in part, President Trump is unpredictable, that this could lead to a surprise ... they're particularly worried about very high level visitors from Taiwan such as the president, the minister of defense, the minister of foreign affairs," Glaser said.


Chinese President Xi Jinping was sworn in Saturday for his second term as President.

Carrots and sticks

Taiwan's President Tsai Ing-wen warned late last year that China's military exercises around the island had become more frequent and were affecting regional stability, according to Taiwan's state-run news agency CNA.

As of this year, Taiwan has 215,000 people in its armed forces, while Beijing counts more than two million, according to the International Institute for Strategic Studies. In 2017, China's military budget was three times higher than Taiwan's.

China's military has "established a clear superiority," said Zhang, the political science professor, however he said Taiwan could still make a military conflict very costly to Beijing.

"Xi has a defensive agenda. He doesn't want to coerce reunification," he said.


Taiwan Presdient Tsai Ing-wen waves to supporters during her campaign in 2016.

But experts say soft power and economic integration appear to be the keys to Xi's plans regarding Taiwan.

During his speech Tuesday, Xi called for peaceful reunification and said China would "share opportunities" with "compatriots" in Taiwan.

China's Taiwan Affairs Office in February revealed 31 new measures it will undertake to promote exchange and cooperate with Taipei, many of which make it easier for those from Taiwan to work, do business and study in mainland China including teachers and doctors.

This view is reflected on the streets of Taipei, Taiwan's largest city, where some young people speak openly about the need for pragmatism over idealism.

"As much as we want to enjoy the freedom and democracy in Taiwan, we also want the money and the opportunities China can provide," a 22-year-old restaurant worker surnamed Wu told CNN.

However, opinion polls conducted by Taiwan's Mainland Affairs Council show the vast majority of those in Taiwan favor maintaining the status quo and want China to "pragmatically face up to the fact that the Republic of China (ROC) is a sovereign state."

Others spoke of a brain drain, and many see the continued integration as inevitable due to Beijing's growing economic might.

"If the trends continue, the elected government in Taiwan will have to reconsider the direction of cross-strait policy," said Chong-Pin Lin, Taiwan's former deputy minister of national defense and first vice-chairman of the Mainland Affairs Council. "I think Beijing knows that very well."

"Soft power may eventually lead to what Beijing or Xi wants, which is integration and unification," said Lin.

A legacy risk

Analysts believe Xi is a man deeply aware of history and concerned with his legacy. He's already considered China's most powerful leader since Mao Zedong, Communist China's founding father, and has had his political doctrine included in the Chinese Communist Party's Constitution.

The longer he leads, the higher the expectations will be, argues Glaser, the academic at CSIS, and Taiwan would be the biggest prize.

"If Xi stays in power for another term or even a fourth term, then I do think that there is growing pressure on him to achieve more," she said.



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鄒景雯 自由時報 March 19, 2018


accessed March 19, 2018


-- "川普正式簽署台灣旅行法...是在打'台灣牌'...政府浸淫...的喜悅,只要一天就好..."

林中斌 2018.03.19




很清楚的,川普的目標是美國利益,「台灣牌」是他梭哈(show hand)中國的另一手。因此,政府浸淫在台灣旅行法的喜悅,只要一天就好,必須馬上集中精神掌握美中之間一切的進退,以確認台灣利益是否維持在最大化。尤其是王岐山這個人現在派上檯面,按照他過去的履歷,以及季辛吉與美國政商界長期與之打交道的觀感,他具有為中國化妝的「能力」(論理)與「實力」(籌碼),我們絕對不能大意。




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鍾麗華 自由時報 March 19, 2018


accessed March 19, 2018



林中斌 2018.3.19











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北京對台 軟手為實 硬手為虛

林中斌 名人堂稿件



















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鍾麗華 自由時報 March 15, 2018


accessed March 15, 2018




林中斌 2018.3.15











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習近平發動不流血革命 台學者:反腐將劍指紅二代

鄭路 新唐人 March 13, 2018


accessed March 13, 2018


"而中華民國前國防部副部長林中斌認為,習近平過去五年是在進行「沒有流血的內部革命」,把一個鬥倒孔夫子的政權,翻轉為尊崇儒家學說的政權。習取消任期限制只是第一步,真正 ... 林中斌說,習近平可能要把黨、政、軍三駕馬車合併成一個領導人,因為別的國家也都是一個領袖。此前有傳言說他這次要改總統制 ..."




















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林永富 工商時報 March 13, 2018


accessed March 13, 2018


● “林中斌接受《POP撞新聞》主持人黃清龍訪問時說,中共修憲,把習近平思想入憲,國家主席的任期取消。能確定習近平會延任,但應不會是最後修憲,因為不能保證他能順利完成使命,所以仍需要更長任期來完成他的使命。”(我說的是:但應不會是最後修憲,因為目前修憲後的體制仍不能保證可以在他之後平順運作。我沒有用「使命」兩字。)





林中斌 2018.03.13












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Andreas Whittome(魏安德)自由時報 March 12, 2018


accessed March 12, 2018


林中斌 2018.3.12







注音符號可以避免這種錯誤發生,因為每個注音符號都代表一個固定的音:「ㄌㄠˇ ㄕ,ㄨㄛˇ ㄉㄠˋ」就很清楚。現在在台灣的華語中心也採用漢語拼音。我還是認為對在台灣學中文的外國人來說,學注音符號是很值得的。原因是台灣人都掌握注音符號(反之中國人不一定能掌握好他們自己的漢語拼音)。


我以前在台灣學中文時,有時因為對方不捲舌而聽不懂。比如對方把「政治」念成「贈字」(ㄗㄥˋ ㄗˋ),這種場合我常常會請對方用注音符號把這個詞的發音寫下來。很奇妙的是:他雖然念得不正確還是會很正確地寫下注音符號的「ㄓㄥˋ ㄓˋ」。我就說「啊,政治!」他就說「對,對,對,贈字!」不僅有趣,也很有幫助。因此,希望台灣會保留此久經考驗的好系統!

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【心理戰】中國祭大規模惠台措施 學者:施壓已到飽和點

蘋果日報 March 08, 2018


accessed March 09, 2018





林中斌 2018.3.9









派克策略公司(Park Strategies)副總裁金恩(Sean King)則分析,習近平透過修憲延長執政時間後,「只會進一步疏遠台灣人,因此更不可能讓蔡英文做出任何讓步」。

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林宸誼 經濟日報 March 03, 2018


accessed March 03, 2018


林中斌 2018.03.03









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中國力推31惠台措施 林中斌:北京硬的一手放緩,軟的一手在擴大

德國之聲 風傳媒 March 01, 2018


accessed March 01, 2018



林中斌 2018.3.1














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February 27, 2018




●2017年10月,天下雜誌臉書官網丟出問題:"你願不願意赴大陸工作?" 回答願意的佔75%。據常識判斷,上臉書回答問題的多為年輕人。








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China's J-16 Jets Stepping Up Introduction Into Service

Mike Yeo Defense News, January 10, 2018


accessed February 5, 2018


林中斌 2018.02.05

MELBOURNE, Australia — China’s new Shenyang J-16 multirole fighter jet has been entering service in increasing numbers with little fanfare, with the lion’s share of attention focused on the stealthy Chengdu J-20 fighter’s development and introduction.

Images released by the Chinese military of a recent parade and exercise at Cangzhou in China’s northeastern Hebei province in early January show that at least two other People’s Liberation Army Air Force, or PLAAF, air brigades have converted or are in the process of converting to the J-16, bringing the total to three such units known to have the type into service.

This includes the 172nd and 176th brigades of the PLAAF’s Flight Test and Training Center, which is “assigned the task of developing flight techniques, combat tactics and training program for new aircraft and equipment,” according to Andreas Rupprecht, who has authored a number of books on Chinese military aviation.

The serial number on the aircraft at the recent exercise indicates that the third unit operating the J-16 is the 98th Brigade based at Chongqing in China’s southwest. There have also been reports from China that the 7th Brigade at Wuhu, Anhui province, is operating the J-16, although Defense News has been unable to confirm this.

A small number of J-16s entered service with the Flight Test and Training Center’s 176th Brigade in 2015 for the PLAAF equivalent of operational testing and evaluation; however multiple sources have said the wider introduction of the type into PLAAF service was reportedly delayed due to the need to refine the design of its active electronically scanned array radar developed by China’s No. 607 Institute.

The Shenyang J-16 is an indigenously developed Chinese offshoot of the Russian Su-30 Flanker-C multirole fighter, which is also operated by the PLAAF and China’s People’s Liberation Army Navy. Unlike the Shenyang J-11B/BS, which is a dedicated air combat aircraft based on the earlier Sukhoi Su-27, the J-16 is configured for both air-to-air and air-to-ground missions with its multimode AESA radar.

Like the J-11B/BS, the J-16 is powered by the Chinese WS-10 Taihang turbofan engine. However, the J-16 has a provision for in-flight refueling, an infrared search and track system offset to the right of the canopy, and twin nose wheels to cope with a higher maximum takeoff weight, and it lacks a pitot tube on its nose cone.

An electronic attack version, tentatively designated J-16D, is under development, with at least one prototype known to have made a number of test flights.

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No Longer Just Catch-up

The Economist, February 17, 2018

accessed February 17, 2018



林中斌 2018.02.17


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Can Donald Trump accept a defeat

in Afghanistan?

February 10, 2018



林中斌 試摘錄簡譯。2018.2.10


Can Donald Trump Accept a Defeat In Afghanistan?

The Taliban and ISIS killed at least 140 people in January in a wave of attacks inside Kabul, Afghanistan’s capital. It’s a reminder that this 16-year war, the longest in U.S. history, rages on. At least 30,000 Afghan civilians and more than 2,200 U.S. soldiers have died. As attacks mount, it’s time to take a longer look at the U.S. goals in Afghanistan.

President Trump has tried to show positive results. He has deferred to his generals on how best to achieve strategic goals and put thousands of additional troops on the ground. Afghanistan has a reasonably strong government in Kabul under the leadership of President Ashraf Ghani.

It hasn’t helped. The Trump Administration has at the same time shifted support away from Pakistan in favor of closer relations with India. U.S. aid to Pakistan has been suspended, giving its military and security services fewer reasons to accept sacrifice and risks to help U.S.-led troops in Afghanistan. Pakistan may even have provoked recent attacks; an Afghan diplomat claimed that Pakistan’s intelligence agency, the ISI, had trained one of the Taliban militants who killed 40 people in a hotel attack on Jan. 20.

Everyone in the region knows that the U.S. cannot stay forever. There are now about 14,000 U.S. troops in Afghanistan, compared with 100,000 in 2011. At some point, the last Americans will go home, just as the Soviets marched out in 1989, and Afghanistan will again be an arena in which Pakistan, India and Iran jostle for position.

George W. Bush’s rationale for starting the war in 2001 was clear: the Taliban, then in charge in Kabul, refused to surrender Osama bin Laden, who had just ordered the murder of thousands of Americans on U.S. soil. Today’s question for Trump is equally clear: How can this war be won? Presidents Bush and Obama were never able to answer that question.

A second question for Trump: What does “America first” mean for U.S. policy in Afghanistan? Do American taxpayers care about what happens there? Both parties in Congress have supported efforts to help the Afghan government control enough territory to ensure that terrorists find no new safe haven from which to attack Western targets. But that government still lacks the resources and the country still lacks the infrastructure needed to achieve that goal. The result is a violent, expensive stalemate. If Trump stops sending troops and money, the Afghan government will collapse. If the troops and dollars continue to flow, Washington will be paying to extend the stalemate.

Can Donald Trump accept a defeat, even one he can blame on his predecessors? And how long will it take him to decide?

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