2016/08/10 公共電視
accessed Aug 10, 2016
這是公視7/25 所錄與十位大學青年的一小時對話。內容包括氣候異常、南海對抗、個人學習成長等。
2016/08/10 公共電視
accessed Aug 10, 2016
這是公視7/25 所錄與十位大學青年的一小時對話。內容包括氣候異常、南海對抗、個人學習成長等。
2016/08/07 旺報 專訪 陳君碩
accessed Aug 7, 2016
A series of unfortunate events
The Economist, JUL 30, 2016
accessed Aug 12, 2016
王岐山提案遷移毛紀念堂獲高票通過 習近平表態
2016/08/02 禁聞 唐睿
accessed Aug 2, 2016
林中斌 2016.8.5
Israel’s Looming Demographic Crisis
ALON TAL, The New York Times, JULY 25, 2016
accessed Aug 2, 2016
Mounting pressure for Israelis to emmigrate. Israel is the most populated country in the West. By 2059, its population density will exceed that of Japan or the Netherlands. Not to mention the rising possibility of a Muslim nuclear bomb detonated in the country. That is why Siberia beckons. Israeli emmigration will lessen the threat of Chinese emmigration to Siberia. It is said that Netanyahu, Putin, and Xi are talking with each other. And the Rothschild family is behind the whole thing.
This may yet add to another element in Bejing's Belt Road Initiative in years to come.
Chong-Pin Lin 2016.8.2
方濟各教宗: 不應把伊斯蘭與暴力混為一談
2016/08/01 德國之聲 凝煉/石濤
accessed Aug 2, 2016
2016/07/07 KKNEWS 樂享生活
accessed Aug 11, 2016
Turkey’s Fractured State
HALIL M. KARAVELI, The New York Times, AUG 1, 2016
accessed Aug 12, 2016
學者:蔡總統應會延續馬政策 尋和平解決
2016/07/12 中央社 戴雅真
accessed July 13, 2016
林中斌 2016 7.13
華爾街日報:不接受仲裁 美有前例
2016/07/09 自由時報 魏國金編譯
accessed July 9, 2016
林中斌 2016.7.10
2016/07/08 自由時報 陳偉忠
accessed July 8, 2016
林中斌 2016.7.8
2016/07/08 自由時報 劉振乾
accessed July 8, 2016
Who draws the party line?
The Economist, June 25, 2016
accessed June 25, 2016
The life of ‘the first modern general’
Thomas E. Ricks, International New York Times
accessed June 21, 2016
● 謝爾曼是美國內戰北軍戰勝的主要角色。他一再繞到敵人側翼再攻擊以致勝,有別於北軍主帥即他的好友格蘭特 (U.S. Grant) 的正面攻擊傷亡慘重的笨方法。
● 謝爾曼從Atlanta近軍穿過南方各州,不帶補給,不與總部華府聯絡,到達大西洋是北軍摧毀南軍意志的關鍵。他是調查好了所經之地農產富足,是兵一路好餐。三萬人部隊只折損103人!
● 謝爾曼戰前在南方大學任職,同情南方訴求但反對分裂國家,並警告南方友人北方戰力雄厚不是好惹的。他信箋預言南北內戰漫長而慘烈。一度情緒低落,想自殺。
● 他決定為北軍效力,以西點軍效畢業生和內政部養子身分晉見林肯總統,彈推委主將軍職,因為他要「熟悉情況」。
● 他數度傳聞拒絕競選總統。他的名言:「如果被徵召,我不競選;如果選上,我不就職。」這叫作「謝爾曼聲明」(The Shermanesque statement)
● 他的名言:「戰爭不是光榮。戰爭是地獄。」
● 他過世時,與他敵對的南軍將領 (General Joseph E. Johnstan),為他抬棺。1891年2月冬季天氣寒冷下雨。朋友建議他戴帽子,Johnstan拒絕說:「如果我跟謝爾曼易位,他一定不會戴帽子為我抬棺。」Johnstan因此得肺炎,一個月後過世。
China easing cyberattacks on America, report says
David E. Sanger, International New York Times, June 20, 2016
accessed June 22, 2016
● 中國網軍攻擊美國大幅減少。
● 減少趨勢在2015年7月歐巴馬見習近平之前一年開始。現在更為明顯。
● 其實,去年歐習會前又有一些網軍攻擊美方。習令孟建柱調查處理並向美方交代。
● 美方認為,此趨勢顯示習對軍方控制更穩。但不排除中方網軍攻擊更有技巧,更不易被人發現。
林中斌摘譯 2016.6.24
A tale of two parties
Paul Krugman, International New York Times, June 20, 2016
accessed June 21, 2016
● 美諾貝爾經濟獎得主Paul Krugman認為美共和黨有如蘇聯解體之前的蘇共,內部已腐朽,信念已不存。
林中斌 2016.6.24
Manohar Aich, pint-size titan, dies at 103
Geeta Anand, The New York Times, June 9, 2016
accessed June 16, 2016
● 出身貧苦但不菸不酒、吃素、樂觀、不求功利、以伏地挺身鍛鍊自己甚至因政治主張被關監獄,最後選上世界先生。力量來自內心。是無窮的。
林中斌 2016.6.24
Founding Vikings
Economist, June 18, 2016
accessed June 18, 2016
● 北歐人民和移民因為努力、規矩、助人因此成功。
Clinton announces Ohio event with Warren
DOUGLAS MARTIN, The New York Times, MAY 12, 2015
The two will appear together on Monday in Ohio to “discuss their shared commitment to building an America that is stronger together and an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top,” according to the announcement.
The joint appearance will fuel rumors that Clinton is considering Warren as a running mate.
Reports emerged Tuesday that the Massachusetts senator is on a vice presidential shortlist that also includes Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.) and Housing Secretary Julián Castro.
The announcement came minutes after presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump delivered a scathing speech attacking Clinton as "corrupt" and "pathetic."
The Republican National Committee spokesman Michael Short said in a statement Wednesday afternoon, "This event will complete one of the biggest sellouts in political history given that Hillary Clinton is everything Elizabeth Warren supposedly stands against. Watching Elizabeth Warren defend Hillary Clinton’s refusal to turn over her Wall Street speech transcripts will be as priceless as the accounts of her attending fundraisers with the same hedge fund managers she built a career demonizing."