Soldier Scholar: Adm. William McRaven/ 儒將麥克拉文
accessed May 20, 2019
美國前特種部隊司令(2011-2014)海軍四星上將威廉●麥克拉文 深入、廣泛、持續的閱讀哲學、文學當然還有戰略的名著。(他是指揮特戰部隊尋獲並突擊賓拉登的將領)
●通常床頭擺5-10不同類別的本書。他喜歡每天換著跳躍的看。他現在看的有華人作家的書:Liu Cixin, "The Three-Body Problem".
● What books would we be surprised to find on your shelf?
" René Descartes's ' Principles of Philosophy', the works of Kahlil Gibran and all manner pf classic poetry: Longfellow, Whitman, Kipling.
●軍事方面影響他最大的是李德哈特和他的「間接路線」(Chong-Pin Lin: 這正是西方戰略家思想中最像中國兵法的觀念,但不被美國軍人所重視)
●他最欣賞李德哈特的書是: " His book "Scipio Africanus: Greater than Napoleon" told the story of how the Roman general Scipio defeated the great Carthaginian geneal Hannibal in 202 B.C. Scipio won the war by leaving Italy, where Hannibal's army had been ravaging the Romans and attacking the Carthaginian homeland, thereby forcing Hannibal to leave Italy as well as fight on Scipio's terms.
●1955年出生的他以田徑選手獎學金進入德州大學,主攻新聞系,之後進入海軍後備部隊,又從海軍研究院(Naval Postgraduate School)獲得碩士學位,通過水下爆破訓練,成為SEAL特種部隊戰士。