英國倫敦 《經濟學人》2019.5.11 p.28 登載 "茶館" 專欄
accessed May 20, 2019
-- " The history of attempts to contain China is not a happy one."
-- "The lesson was clear. Withdrawing assistance from a threatening China may be rational, but a China that succeeds any way, and then feels less dependent on outsideers, is not necessarily safer."
-- " ...the West's new found desire to distance itself from China reflects an erosion of the old and complacent belief that free societies have such an edge when its comes to innovation and creativity.... As China catches up, the West is turning defensive".
現在西方最新的想法是離中國遠一些。這想法反映了我們西方已前的自我感覺良好的信心已經受到侵蝕了。那個信心就是:自由社會在發明和創造力方面佔優勢.... 現在中國趕上來了,西方變得畏懼開始自我防禦。
林中斌 摘譯